Three openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots released this week have brought updates for text editors, browsers, emails clients, database management systems and many other pieces of...
A minor version update of systemd and KDE’s Applications 20.12.2 were releases in openSUSE Tumbleweed this week. Several other package were updated over the course of four...
With “literally all 15,000” packages being rebuilt in snapshot 20200826, openSUSE Tumbleweed roared back from a stability rating of 36 in the rebuild snapshot to a 95 rati...
KDE‘s newest point version of Plasma 5.12.4 was released in the first of five openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots that were released this week. The most recent snapshot was 201...
openSUSE’s rolling distribution Tumbleweed received several snapshot of new software packages this past week. A total of six snapshots arrived and brought new versions of ...
This week provided a pretty healthy amount of package updates for openSUSE’s rolling distribution Tumbleweed. There were three snapshots released since the last blog and s...
Three openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots this week brought a few major release packages and a clear example for how the automated testing tool openQA can prevents a snapshot fr...