Tumbleweed has adopted SELinux as the default Linux Security Module (LSM) for new installations after a recent snapshot. The transition was announced on the mailing list i...
The openSUSE Project continues its Contribution Workshop series today with a new episode at 19:15 UTC on the project’s YouTube & X channels. The new episode will take ...
The openSUSE community is pleased to announce that it will have short sessions aimed at encouraging people on how to contribute to the project. A group of volunteers will ...
The rolling release for openSUSE temporarily slowed the frequency of its snapshot release cycle to support the migration efforts and data center move of the Open Build Serv...
NUREMBERG, Germany (May 30, 2023) - Open-source projects and contributions have brought remarkable advancements in technology by enabling communication and collaboration am...
People interested in mentorship for this year’s Google Summer of Code as part of openSUSE’s application will conclude a finalization meetup on Feb. 7 at 15:30 UTC on the pr...
The openSUSE Project is planning activities for this year’s FOSDEM, which will take place Feb. 4 and 5 in Brussels. The project will be in with operating systems space in ...
Building our products in an open and transparent way allows us to rethink the way how we test. Jose Lausuch from our ALP Quality Engineering was invited to the Community W...
The openSUSE Project has been selected as a Google Summer of Code 2022 mentor organization. Being selected as one of the 203 open-source projects for GSoC gives openSUSE m...
Snapshot releases of openSUSE Tumbleweed began to flow this week for the rolling release. Moving past last week’s build failures and the obstacles with the ISO media size ...
A lot of work this week has been taking place in the background to release openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots. Documented on the mailing list in the latest openSUSE release eng...
The past week has been pretty productive for openSUSE Tumbleweed as five major version updates landed in the rolling release. Five snapshots have so far been released sinc...
The openSUSE community is ready for Hacktoberfest, which is run by Digital Ocean and DEV that encourages people to make their first contributions to open source projects. T...
The month-long, virtual-festival event that celebrates open source contributions, Hacktoberfest, is coming soon and members of the openSUSE community can make a difference....
This week openSUSE Tumbleweed delivered four snapshots that brought in a new mainline kernel for the distribution as well as a package for Xen that removes previous require...
Cloud based workers for openQA For those who do not know openQA, this is an automated test tool for operating systems and the engine at the heart of openSUSE’s automated t...
openSUSE Leap 15.2 entered the Beta phase last week and has already released two snapshots with the release of build 581.2 and build 588.2. Leap has a rolling development m...
Several packages were updated this week for openSUSE Tumbleweed as was expected after the holiday season. Five snapshots of the rolling release have been delivered so far t...
It’s been way too long since the last blog post, so we’ve got quite a lot to report on! Plasma 5.17 Beta The Beta version of Plasma 5.17 was released with many new featur...
The openSUSE.Asia Committee call for proposals for openSUSE.Asia Summit 2019 is now open. openSUSE.Asia Summit is one of the great events for openSUSE community (i.e., bot...
The open-source community has a new project designed to help Linux/GNU distributions with the legal review process of licenses. The new project called Cavil is legal revie...
We always enjoy that new people join openSUSE community and help them in their first steps. Because of that, openSUSE participates again in GSoC, an international program i...
openSUSE participates again in Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a program that awards stipends to university students who contribute to real-world open source projects during ...
This Tuesday KDE released the latest Long Term Support (LTS) version of the Plasma desktop 5.12. A key point in this new release is that Wayland support was extensively wo...
The development version of openSUSE Leap 15 has reached its beta phase builds and snapshots are available for testers via //download.opensuse.org/distribution/leap/15.0/iso...
Three openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots this week brought a few major release packages and a clear example for how the automated testing tool openQA can prevents a snapshot fr...
Six Tumbleweed snapshots this week brought users newer versions of GStreamer, Wine, Vulkan, and a new Linux Kernel. The new 4.9.7 kernel arrived over the weekend with the ...
We are proud to announce that we have just switched our beloved development distribution, openSUSE Factory, to be an independent distribution using the “rolling release” de...
The openSUSE Project announces the 1.0 release of the unique cross-distribution-capable, fully automated testing framework openQA. openQA is the only comprehensive testin...