A job announcement for a Release Engineer for openSUSE was published today and it offers a unique challenge, which sounds pretty cool. The optional bonus challenges to be i...
Since our last update on news.opensuse.org about Tumbleweed, a lot has happened. The rolling release now uses GCC 5 for the compiler. There was a large chunk of bugfixes an...
Developing Leap 42.1 is happening quickly and it was announced yesterday that the milestone was being built.The first milestone will hopefully be released this week. Leap i...
Roadmap questions answered Deep thought and some additional core SUSE Linux Enterprise source code have given The openSUSE Project a path forward for future releases. The...
Developers waiting for a new compiler in Tumbleweed need to wait no more. The newest GNU Compiler Collection was checked in today to openSUSE Factory, which is the rollin...
Update: The migration of the openSUSE Mailing Lists has been finished successfully. If you encounter any issues, please let us know by mail to admin@opensuse.org. On Tuesd...
An estimated 45,000 students from a province in Indonesia have enhanced their education and computer-usage knowledge through a pilot program using Linux and openSUSE that ...
The GCC 5 compiler is gradually making its way to be the default compiler for Tumbleweed, but until then, GCC4 is it. There is a blockage in the build caused by what some b...
[caption id=”attachment_19234” align=”alignright” width=”300”] The latest and greatest desktop tech from the KDE community[/caption] At the time of writing this, the openQ...
The spirit of last month’s Hackweek is still alive and well and it’s about time we review some of the projects from openSUSE’s Hackweek. The first project I want to highli...