The openSUSE Project is preparing to celebrate its 17th Birthday on August 9. The project will have a 24-hour social event with attendees visiting openSUSE’s virtual Bar. ...
Members of openSUSE had a visitor for a recent Work Group (WG) session that provided the community an update from one of the leaders focusing on the development of the next...
Participants from the openSUSE community working on the upcoming release of the Adaptable Linux Platform (ALP) encourage people to try openSUSE MicroOS Desktop to gain user...
openSUSE joins fellow open-source project Arch Linux in having up-to-date packages for the Nim Language and the statically typed, imperative programming language now has fi...
The openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots are rolling out steady during the month or July. Some big and small snapshots have been released with a few major-versions updates arrivi...
openSUSE.Asia Summit 2022 Call For Papers CFP deadline is extended to Aug 13, Fri. And Notification to speakers: Week of August 22, 2022. Let's submit your proposal. It is...
openSUSE.Asia Online Summit 2022 Logo Competition Today, we will start a logo competition for openSUSE.Asia Summit 2022. A logo is an essential material for the successful ...
Five openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots have been released since last Friday. The snapshots had a small amount of packages in each release. The 20220629 snapshot updated OpenS...
We are seeking feedback regarding the release of openSUSE Leap 15.4, which was released to the general public on June 8. With this survey, what we’re looking from you is b...
It’s back. No, not the McRib. It’s Hack Week. The coveted Hack Week 21 runs from June 27 to July 1 and has both virtual and physical participation elements. Hack Week is p...