Exploring Agama's 2024 Roadmap
16. Feb 2024 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

A recent post on the YaST blog about Agama’s roadmap looks at the new installer as functional enough to embark on tasks ranging from localization and network configuration to storage setup and initial software selection.
For those who don’t follow the YaST blog, here is what lies ahead for Agama in 2024.
The team has outlined a strategy for this year and, despite the fluidity of its development, the team is committed to a steady release schedule for Agama with two significant milestones. The first is set for mid-April and the other toward mid-July.
The milestone in April is set to revolutionize Agama’s architecture. It will be moving away from its reliance on Cockpit toward a more autonomous framework that is coupled with a refined user interface that aims to streamline storage configurations.
The aim of the second milestone is to improve Agama’s flexibility and capabilities for unattended installations, which seeks to position Agama as a formidable alternative to AutoYaST.
The scaffolding provided by the Cockpit Project makes the vision for Agama’s future clear in evolving a direction of a new path. The coming months will be dedicated to redefining this approach to ensure Agama’s growth is unhindered by external dependencies.
While architectural modifications lay the groundwork for future advancements, an equal focus must be made to enhance the user experience. The revamped storage configuration interface will be both user-friendly for newcomers and more versatile for the experience. This aims to provide a balance of simplicity and customization.
The openSUSE Conference 2024 is nestled between the milestones and the team will make use of this event to serve as a platform for discussing Agama’s potential to redefine the installation experience within the openSUSE ecosystem. insights and contributions are vital to Agama’s success so stakeholders are encouraged to engage with the team, share ideas and participate in the ongoing development of Agama.
Read more information about Agama on the YaST blog.
(Image made with DALL-E)
Categories: Announcements openSUSE Agama
Tags: openSUSE Agama Contribution Community Open Source Development Developers Conference Cockpit