Tumbleweed Boosts GNOME, MariaDB with Updates
7. Jul 2023 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

A week of five openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots brought crucial updates for key packages like GNOME, MariaDB, transactional-update and others.
The rolling release distribution showcased its commitment to providing users with the latest enhancements and bug fixes while ensuring users benefit from improved functionalities and better performance.
MariaDB is the most recent package to benefit from a new major version in the rolling release as snapshot 20230705 provided users with new features; the 11.0.2 version provides a new option that is enabled by default and improves the accuracy of the optimizer’s estimations for hash-join operations. The package also fixes some optimizer crashes and resolves the accidental disabling of some InnoDB monitors, which should now be enabled by default. Both Indonesian and Finnish translations were made in the yast2-trans update and yast2-network 4.6.5 fixes a typo when writing the wireless channel. An update to python-argcomplete 3.1.1 improves logic for user installation and enhances compatibility with Python 3.7.
Snapshot 20230704 updates just a few packages. Among the changes are openSUSE’s hardware detection tool hwinfo 22.3, which resolves linking problems with libsamba and ensures smoother functionality. An update of kdump 1.9.3 had changes to fix the calibrate feature as well as the treating of missing SSH, LFTP, or host keys as fatal errors. The 4.18.3 version of xfce4-settings has fixes related to display mode detection and securing the use of GSettings. Changes to the package also improve the handling of critical errors when opening the layout selection dialog. The update of kexec-tools: introduces an upgrade where perl-Bootloader
replaces kexec-tools with kexec-bootloader
, making it obsolete.
Most of the packages updated in snapshot 20230703 were RubyGems; these updates gravitate toward a Common Vulnerability and Exposure. Patches were provided for CVE-2023-28362 that potentially leads to a Cross-site-scripting (XSS) payload on the redirection page. The Imath 3.1.9 package fixes a heap-buffer-overflow vulnerability, adds support for Densely Weighted Averaging compression and fixes a stack-buffer-overflow problem. Gamers will like the SDL2 2.28.1 update as it adds Linux controller mapping for the Logitech Chillstream controller. The update also introduces support for the Nintendo Online Famicom controllers as well as support for third-party Nintendo Switch controllers. The keyboard utility package kbd 2.6.1 had some minor fixes and improvements to include some for contemporary French Macs. The perl-Image-ExifTool 12.64 version adds a new Sony LensType, includes support for Garmin Low-resolution Video (GLV) files, improves French translations, along with introducing some Application Programming Interface changes.
The largest snapshot of the week kicked off the month with snapshot 20230701. This snapshot updates ImageMagick to version that includes a patch fixing a heap-buffer-overflow vulnerability with CVE-2023-3428. GNOME users had some updates with gnome-software updating to version 44.3. This update includes fixes for a crash when refining a Flatpak app and recovering the state after a failed app update. It also comes with updated translations. The 44.3 version of gnome-control-center updated translations. GNOME personal management application evolution 3.48.4 fixes an issue related to ` EMailSignatureScriptDialog and
EMeetingListStore` components was well as addresses issues such as difficulties in choosing a script file under Flatpak. An update of GStreamer to 1.22.4 fixes security issues in several components and addresses some mapping issues’ the package fixes memory leaks and provides stability improvements. An update of NetworkManager 1.42.8 fixes network filtering rules and IPv6 sharing as well as adds support for Point-to-Point Protocol 2.5.0. Other package to update in the snapshot were webkit2gtk3 2.40.3, libzypp 17.31.15, gvfs 1.50.5 and more.
Snapshot 20230629 kicked off the week and featured updates of various packages. Noteworthy changes included SDL2’s first package update of the week with version 2.28.0; this introduces new functions for window surfaces and rendering APIs. Display manager sddm 0.20.0 bringing initial support for Qt6 that will break themes that rely on Qt5. The package key to MicroOS and other projects with atomic updates, transactional-update, moved to version 4.3.0; this update improves custom utilities and scripts to call mkdumprd and the package adds support for libmount 2.39, while honoring the library’s LIBMOUNT_DEBUG
variable for additional output. A few other library packages were updated in the snapshot.