Call for Volunteers to 2022 openSUSE Asia Summit
4. May 2022 | Shobha Tyagi | CC-BY-SA-3.0

Call For Volunteers
The openSUSE.Asia Summit is an annual openSUSE Asian conference, attended by contributors and enthusiasts from all over Asia. The event focuses primarily on the openSUSE distribution and community, its applications for personal and enterprise use, and open source culture. Since 2014, openSUSE.Asia Summit events had been held offline and thus, a great opportunity for the community to meet.
However, due to COVID-19, the summit was canceled in 2020.In 2021,the online summit was organized by the team India.
What Will openSUSE.Asia Summit 2022 Be?
- openSUSE.Asia Summit 2022 is going to be a hybrid event.
- We will have centralized online summit.
- Each country/city could make different offline part.
Asian-wide part (online + offine satellite):
- Will be held around 4:00-6:00 UTC, easy to join from any Asian cities.
- keynote, invited talks etc.
Local part (online and/or offine):
- Each country/city could organize local offine event based on COVID-19 restrictions.
- Content is up to local; talks, workshops, meet up, etc.
Expectations From The Volunteers
We are looking forward to volunteers to make this event happen. Volunteers can be from anywhere this year.
The volunteers are expected to:
- Attend regular online meeting to prepare Asian-wide part. (currently Friday 13:00 UTC, with Slack chat)
- Organize local event, adjust schedule with Asian-wide part.
- Help on online conference, and coordinate the meeting schedule with other volunteers. host offine event by talking to Asian committee if you need any support.
If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to with your short introduction by Monday, May 30th, 2022.
Categories: Announcements openSUSE Community
Tags: infrastructure websites