LLVM, PipeWire, git update in Tumbleweed
21. Apr 2022 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

There have been three openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots released since last Thursday.
If the 20220420 snapshot passes openQA, it might be released before this article publishes and push the number of snapshots released to four.
A little less than 10 packages were updated in the 20220419 snapshot. The most updates in the snapshot came in the 5.17.3 Linux Kernel update. A few KVM fixes were made for x86; there was also one for arm64 that makes sure an event filter isn’t changed. There were also about 30 Direct Rendering Manager changes in the kernel update. Wine applications using the JACK backend should no longer crash with the pipewire 0.3.50 update. The audio and video package update also had a change that ensures Advanced Linux Sound Architecture will now only allocate a buffer size big enough to hold four times the quantum limit instead of as large as possible. The update of the libnl3 3.6.0 package added Generic Routing Encapsulation and Virtual Tunnel Interface support for IPv6 and both yast2-trans and libstorage-ng 4.5.4 updated slavic translations.
Snapshot 20220415 updated ImageMagick to version A few reversions were made in the update, according to the changelog, and a fix was made to account for gray images imported as RGBA. The first minor release for Mozilla Firefox 99 was made with the 99.0.1 update. The browser update fixed a selection issue in the Download panel with the drag and drop. There was also a fix for an issue preventing the Zoom gallery mode to work. An update of git 2.35.3 fixed a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures; CVE-2022-24765 could have allowed git to execute commands defined by other users from unexpected worktrees, according to the changelog. Other packages to update in the snapshot were vim 8.2.4745, Ruby 3.1.2, Xen 4.16.1, whois 5.5.13 and more.
With the 20220414 snapshot from last Thursday, the procps package was reverted from version 4.0.0 to 3.3.17. This major version reversion picked up several patches and took care of some CVEs. A major version update of LLVM 14.0.0 arrived in the snapshot. This version brought in a bunch of new tools, dropped some patches and opted to split up Clang libraries, which was inspired by GNU Compiler Collection packaging. A major update of libunistring 1.0 was made in the snapshot, which provided Unicode 14.0.0 support and a license change. There was a git version update of kdump 1.0.2, which gave a filesystem remount for fadump regarding read and write. Also updated in the snapshot was a newer version of ncurses and dracut. There were several other packages updated in the snapshot.