Tumbleweed to Get New Default GCC
8. Apr 2022 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

A new default GNU Compiler Collection for openSUSE Tumbleweed is set to follow one of the snapshots that rolled out this week.
Snapshot 20220405 prepares the default compiler switch to GCC 12. GCC 12 is now providing the libgcc standard libraries. It is not yet the default compiler, but that will follow at a later date.
The most recent snapshot that came out after the switch was 20220406. This snapshot updated five packages. One of those updated packages was autoconf 2.71. Configuration scripts from the latest autoconf improved compatibility with C-variant front end compiler clang and compatibility was restored with automake’s rules for regenerating a configuration. The Linux SCSI target framework tgt package updated to version 1.0.82 and added support for listening on a random port. Other packages to update in the snapshot were xf86-video-dummy 0.4.0 and yast2-slp-server 4.5.0.
The 20220405 snapshot prepares GCC 12 to become the default compiler at a later date for the rolling release and it had multiple packages updated in the snapshot. New packages were inherited from GCC 11 with the GCC 12.0.1 update, and the compiler provides the conflicts to glibc crosses since only one GCC version for the target can be installed at the same time; the same thing was done for libgccjit as well. Translations were updated in the gedit 42.0 update. An update in the new dracut version does not use network-wicked as default the network handler. The update of text shaping engine harfbuzz 4.2.0 fixed the handling of contextual lookups. The word selection error in Arabic text was fixed in libreoffice and four crashes with various circumstances and inputs were fixed. Other notable updates in the snapshot were libvirt 8.2.0, aws-cli 1.22.87 and file synchronizer unison 2.52.0.
The 20220404 snapshot gave Xfce users a file manager update to thunar; the 4.16.11 thunar version fixed a few reloading views, prevented a crash on malformed bookmarks and updated translations. Smoother rendering of a clock’s hands were made in the xclock 1.1.0 update. The printing package cups-filters 1.28.12 had some resolution and image size fixes. Other packages to update in the snapshot were xwayland 22.1.1, ceph 16.2.7, yast2-installation 4.4.51 and more.
Added support for the Zstandard compression algorithm was made in the 20220403 snapshot with the kdump 1.0.2 update; kdump also removed a few patches for the crash dumps feature of the Linux Kernel. New features were added in the update from gnome-logs 3.36.0 to 42.0. Some of those features include opening journal files directly and several keyboard shortcuts to help with overlay. There were also window sizing improvements in the gnome-logs upgrade. An update of libsoup 3.0.6 had miscellaneous HTTP/2 fixes, meson build improvements and fixed build issues with Visual Studio. A few other packages were updated in the snapshot.
The second snapshot of the month, 20220402, had several package updates. The minor update of ImageMagick fixed a couple buffer overflows and 3D Graphics Library Mesa 22.0.1 fixed some maintainer scripts and panfrost drivers. Some documentation was added in the firewalld 1.1.1 update about container host integration and a build fix was made for the use of dbus inside a container. A Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure was addressed in the openvpn 2.5.6 update; the vulnerability could allow for a possible authentication bypass in external authentication plug-in. Bluetooth Advanced Audio Distribution Profile streaming was improved and reduced stuttering was made on some devices with the PipeWire 0.3.49 update. Several other packages updated in the snapshot.
Konqi fans had an update to Plasma 5.24.4 in the 20220402; the update provided fixes mostly for KWin and Plasma Workspace. Window flickering was fixed with the update for KWin when a clip intersected with the blur region and Plasma Workspace fixed some weird behavior with the lockscreen. Other packages to update in the snapshot were ncurses 6.3.20220319, expat 2.4.8, sqlite3 3.38.2 and more.
Categories: Announcements openSUSE Tumbleweed
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