Know the Visa, Health Requirements to Attend oSC22
30. Mar 2022 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

For people planning on attending the openSUSE Conference 2022 in Nuremberg, Germany, from June 2 – 4, there are certain health and visa requirements that need to be met for travelers.
The openSUSE Conference will follow the Bavarian Ministry of Health’s requirements and posture regarding COVID. An FFP-2 mask and social distancing may be required. These regulations my change before or up to the day of the conference.
Those who are not a citizen of a Schengen country that are planning to attend should view the overview of visa requirements/exemptions for entry into the Federal Republic of Germany, which can be found at the Federal Foreign Office website.
Please note: the Travel Support Program has no provisions to cover the cost of a visa, so it’s the travelers responsibility for covering the additional cost.
For citizens who are not a citizen of a Schengen country, you may need a formal invitation letter that fully explains the nature of your visit. An alphabetical list of people from nations that require an invitation letter can be found on the Federal Foreign Office website. If the letter is needed, please contact the conference organizers.