openSUSE Selected as Mentor Organization
8. Mar 2022 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

The openSUSE Project has been selected as a Google Summer of Code 2022 mentor organization.
Being selected as one of the 203 open-source projects for GSoC gives openSUSE mentors an opportunity to guide aspiring student developers looking to gain experience with open-source projects.
openSUSE’s dedicated website offers several projects for GSoC students. Projects available this year include quality assurance testing project openQA, input framework ibus, user-space implementation PRoot and configuration management project Uyuni.
Projects listed on the mentoring website include working with programming languages like Python, Perl and c/c++.
The list of those projects are:
- Dynamic detection of error conditions from openQA test results
- Container-based backend for openQA
- iBus customized theme enhancement
- A new Test Framework for Salt
- Build Uyuni Client Tools packages for Debian with debbuild
- Convert Systems list pages from JSP to ReactJS
- Implementing libseccomp in PRoot
- Root / CARE and Intel SGX
- Unprivileged containers with PRoot
As a mentoring organization, eligible students will have an opportunity between April 4 and April 19 to submit an application proposal to the GSoC program site. Students should interact with openSUSE mentors through github via comments on the projects. The program is open to university students aged 18 or over.
The annual international program focuses on bringing student developers into open source software development. Students work with open-source organizations on a 10-week programming project during the school break.
Interested students are asked to visit the mentoring website and Google Summer of Code website for more information about the projects and the application process.
The openSUSE Project has participated in several GSoC events since 2006.
Categories: Announcements openSUSE Community
Tags: openSUSE ibus Developers students user Open Source Community Google Summer of Code PRoot openQA Uyuni Salt Python Perl C