Holidays in the openSUSE Bar!
23. Dec 2021 | Jens ( | CC-BY-SA-3.0

Hi All!
First, on behalf of all the openSUSE BAR regulars, we’d like to wish you Happy Holidays / Merry X-mas🎄. But, we are also aware that many of us will be spending the holidays this year unable to celebrate the way that we would like to. Therefore we’d like to invite you to join our ‘holiday bar party’, which will be available from the 24-26th of December.
We are also planning to celebrate the New Year 🎆 in the bar as well! Many of us will be online in the bar, celebrating the New Year over and over again, as it comes throughout the day and the night in all of our time zones around the world.
If any of you are around on either or both occasions, we would love to see you and celebrate with you!
We serve:
- Nice conversations
- Ditto music ( NEW !!! )
- A free course to become an openSUSE Bar DJ and share your music in the bar.
We don’t serve (yet):
- Food and drinks (coming soon)
- Lots of dad jokes (SPOILERS)
PS: The Jitsi team did an amazing job of redoing our conference server, so the joining issues are fixed now 🎉.
The openSUSE BAR crowd!
Categories: Announcements Events openSUSE Community Community
Tags: bar event jitsi community celebration project community social together