KDE Gear, GNOME Update in Tumbleweed
11. Nov 2021 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

Tumbleweed pulled back from the frequency of snapshots released last week, but still had a good amount of releases this week.
After continuous daily releases from Oct. 27 to Nov. 2, openSUSE Tumbleweed put together another three consecutive snapshots.
Snapshot 20211106 was an extremely large snapshot and brought software updates from GNOME, KDE, Mozilla and more. An update of gnome-software 41.1 brought various minor User Interface tweaks and fixes. The package improved metadata support for snaps and added the new GNOME Circle apps to the featured carousel. The 41.1 version of gnome-shell fixed some crashes and some erratic scrolling in GTK apps. KDE Gear 21.08.3 brought several fixes for Kdenlive. The video editor fixed the muting of audio, some resize and alignment issues and the behavior of incorrect wipe and slide transitions while resizing. KDE’s document viewer Okular fixed bookmark menu actions that were missing after switching tabs and Konqi fans who like to book travel have support for German Eurowings booking confirmation in the KItinerary package. Mozilla Thunderbird 91.3.0 fixed eight Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures. One of the CVE fixes for the email client involved disabling the Opportunistic Encryption feature because a network attacker could forward a connection from the browser to port 443 to port 8443. The disabled feature could cause the email browser to treat the content of port 8443 as the same-origin with HTTP. The Application Programming Interfaces with the gawk 5.1.1 update now handles Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable Library and GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library values slightly differently, which requires different memory management for those values. The 1.2.4 update of PackageKit improved the thread safety of an operation cancellation and added a specific error code when a user declines an interaction. There were a few updates for YaST packages like yast2-network 4.4.29, which fixed a crash when checking if a virtual interface is connected. Other packages to update in the snapshot were evolution-ews 3.42.1, glib2 2.70.1, libvirt 7.9.0 and many other packages.
Just four packages arrived in snapshot 20211105 snapshot. The first of the 41.1 GNOME packages arrived in the snapshot. gnome-chess and gnome-remote-desktop. The latter had some adjustments for frame PipeWire data. There was some clean up with the network configuration package wicked in the 0.6.67 version along with changes in the dbus configuration. The aws-cli 1.21.6 package had multiple API changes and relaxed a version dependency for python-docutils.
Snapshot 20211104 brought more than a dozen updated packages. The removal of duplicated config entries and the construct of the snippets based on the main config were made with busybox 1.34.1. ClamAV 0.103.4 added virus-name suffixes to the alerts, which trigger when a scan limit has been exceeded, and the anti-virus package fixed some issues related to email parsing. The Chinese manual pages were updated with the man-pages-zh_CN update and several pypi packages where updated including python-Pillow 8.4.0, python-boto3 1.19.6 and major version python-pyOpenSSL 21.0.0.
Categories: Announcements openSUSE Tumbleweed
Tags: openSUSE Tumbleweed Developers sysadmin user Open Source Community YaST Gear Developers rolling release Audio gamers GNOME Superuser distrowatch hacker Linux Eurowings calendar CVE License shell Network PyPi images libvirt PipeWire YaST Okular GTK Port Thunderbird GNOME Circle daily