Project seeks Candidates for openSUSE Board Election
9. Nov 2021 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

The openSUSE Project is seeking nominations and applications for openSUSE Board candidacy. The projecct also looks to gain more members leading up to the elections.
A notice was sent by the election committee informing project members of the timeline for the election process.
There are two seats open for this election cycle. The call for nominations and applications will continue until Monday, Nov. 22. If you would like to nominate a member from the openSUSE community or declare yourself as a candidate, please send an email to the election committee at
The process is scheduled to take place in three phases. Phase 0, which is the current phase, announces the election schedule, seeks candidates to run for the board and has membership drive for people who want to become members of the project. Phase 1 continues with the membership drive to gain new members and declared candidates, who will be announced in this phase, can begin campaigning. Moving to the final Phase 2, members can begin casting votes for the candidates while the candidates can continue to campaign for votes. Phase 2 is scheduled to begin on Dec. 13 and the results are expected on the last day of 2021.
Only openSUSE members are eligible to run for openSUSE Board openings.
Categories: Announcements openSUSE Board
Tags: openSUSE Elections Governance Open Source Board Election Committee