openSUSE Board Election 2020 announced
16. Nov 2020 | Ish Sookun | CC-BY-SA-3.0

The openSUSE Regular Board Election has been announced for the 15th of December 2020. Results will be published on the new year’s eve, i.e 31st December. Call for nominations and applications for the openSUSE Board candidacy is now open.
It’s election time (again)!
Yes, but this time, it is the regular board election that is happening. The previous elections that were conducted during the past year were due to ad-hoc and unforeseen circumstances. However, as per the regular election cycle, we have three seats that are going to be vacant on the openSUSE Board in December. They are the seats of Axel Braun, Marina Latini and Stasiek Michalski. Note that Stasiek was elected this year to replace Christian Boltz whose term ends in 2020. However, Stasiek is opting out from this election due to personal commitments.
My friend from the Election Committee, Ariez Vachha, made the election announcement on the project mailing list yesterday. The election wiki page has been updated accordingly, which includes the usual election schedule poster. That’s courtesy of our friends from the openSUSE Indonesia community.
At the time of writing this blog post, that is less than 24 hours since the annoucement of the election, we received emails from three members who wish to stand as candidate in this election. It’s a very good start.
The call for nominations and applications will continue until Sunday 29th of November. If you would like to nominate a member from the openSUSE community, please send us an email, We will be glad to inform the member about his/her nomination.
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Categories: Announcements openSUSE Board
Tags: openSUSE Elections Governance Open Source Board Election Committee