Firefox, Ceph Major Versions Arrive in Tumbleweed
10. Sep 2020 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

Six openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots have arrived in the rolling release since the last Tumblweed update.
KDE’s Plasma 5.19.5, php and Ceph were among more of the known updates.
The display-oriented email client Alpine updated to version 2.23 in the 20200908 snapshot and provided support for the Simple Authentication and Security Layer-IR IMAP extension. The open-source disk encryption package cryptsetup 2.3.4 added support options for the 5.9 kernel and fixed a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure affecting the memory write. A couple of RubyGem packages were updated in the snapshot and the 2.43 libcap package added some more release time checks for non-git tracked files. The snapshot is trending stable at a rating of 99, according to the Tumbleweed snapshot reviewer.
Also trending at a 99 rating, snapshot 20200907 brought two package updates with fetchmail 6.4.12 and perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS 4.23. Fetchmail provided some regression fixes that were introduced in the versions between the 6.4.12 update and the previous 6.4.8 version in Tumbleweed.
Just four packages were updated in the 20200906 snapshot. The Heaptrack fast heap memory profiler updated to version 1.2.0; the package that allows you to track all heap memory allocations at run-time removed a fix-compile patch for 32bit. New features were added in the libvirt 6.7.0 version; added support for device model command-line passthrough for xen was one of the changes and there was also a change to the spec file that enables the same hypervisor drivers for openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise. The update of php 7.4.10 fixed a memory leak and python-libvirt-python 6.7.0 add all new APIs and constants in libvirt 6.7.0.
Mesa 20.1.7 was updated in snapshot 20200905. GNU Privacy Guard 2.2.23 added regular expression support for Trust Signatures on all platforms and fixed a PIN verify failure on certain OpenPGP card implementations. The screen reader package orca 3.36.6 added some checks to prevent crashing due to a GStreamer failure. There was an improvement to the pulse layer and to GStreamer elements in the pipewire 0.3.10 update.
Plasma 5.19.5 arrived in snapshot 20200904. The desktop fixes several bugs and the Powerdevil package has restored the keyboard brightness. The Discover package of the K Desktop Environment project properly wraps text on the popup header. The Kwin window manager had a fix to properly clip a sliding popup window. LibreOffice received a small update to match up a configuration and the mail server postfix 3.5.7 fixed some random certificate verification failures. There were a handful of Python packages updated in the snapshot including python-Sphinx and python-Sphinx-test 3.2.1, python-dulwich 0.20.5, python-numpy 1.19.1 and python-sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.2.4.
The new major version of Mozilla Firefox 80.0 arrived just more than a week ago in snapshot 20200902. The major version update of Ceph 16 was also in the snapshot, which has shown the lowest score of the week thus far at a 97 rating.
Categories: Announcements openSUSE Tumbleweed
Tags: openSUSE Kernel KDE Alpine Heaptrack Tumbleweed cryptsetup libvirt fetchmail Mesa CVE Firefox Python RubyGem Ceph Plasma PHP