openSUSE makes the Leap to the Public Cloud

19. Jan 2016 | James Mason | No License

openSUSE Leap 42.1 is now available on Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, and Microsoft Azure. Leap has been available on EC2 & GCE since shortly after it release; the Azure release was delayed due to a qemu bug resulting in incorrectly formatted images. These images are maintained by SUSE’s Public Cloud Engineering Team. If you’d like to peek inside, they’re developed on Open Build Service (OBS), in the Cloud:Images project.

Amazon Web Services

For Amazon EC2, openSUSE Leap 42.1 is published for HVM, 64-bit, SSD-Backed instances. If you’re using the web portal, search for ‘leap’ in the openSUSE Community AMIs. If you’re using command line or automated tools, here are the AMI IDs:

Region Name Region AMI ID
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 ami-67aded0d
US West (Oregon) us-west-2 ami-aa8e9dcb
US West (N. California) us-west-1 ami-2a8ce54a
EU (Ireland) eu-west-1 ami-c51bbfb6
EU (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 ami-e4657888
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 ami-da77b6b9
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 ami-4b3a1625
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 ami-fa1c4499
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 ami-56dd1338
South America (São Paulo) sa-east-1 ami-2c4acf40

Google Cloud Platform

For Google Compute Engine, select the image “openSUSE Leap 42.1 x86_64” in any region.

Microsoft Azure

If you’re using the classic web portal, openSUSE Leap 42.1 will be on the list of SUSE images when you start a new virtual machine. Through the new portal, just search for “opensuse leap“  From the command line tools, depending on your process, access the Leap images either by the image name, or key attributes:

Image name Vendor Offer SKU Version

Have a lot of virtual fun!

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