Thank you mentors for an amazing GSoC!!!
4. Sep 2014 | Manu Gupta | No License
Another Google Summer of Code has come to an end. This year has been particularly satisfying as we achieved 100% success. All of our students passed their final evaluation and a lot of code has been pushed upstream. Though the students deserve a big round of applause, special credit has to be given to the amazing mentors, who took out time from their busy schedules to guide the students and ensure that they work towards completing their projects.
So, openSUSE (and its sister organizations – ownCloud, Zorp, MATE) thank all the mentors who strive day in and day out to ensure that our projects are a success and we get amazing new contributors.
Without you, it was not possible
Following is a list of the mentors who helped to move this GSoC sailing smoothly :
Martin Wimpress (flexiondotorg)
Henne Vogelsang (hennevogel)
Jim Fehlig (jfehlig)
Cornelius Schumacher (cornelius)
James Mason (bear245)
Ancor Gonzalez Sosa (ancorgs)
Ismail Donmez (ismail)
Peter Czanik (czanik)
George Ehrke (georgehrke)
Artem Chernikov ( kalabiyau)
Morris Jobke (kabum)
Dominik Bamberger (bamboo)
Michal Hrusecky (miska)
Alberto Planas (aplanas)
Arvin Schnell (arvin)
Balint Kovacs (blint)
Stephen Kulow (coolo)
Szilárd Pfeiffer (coroner)
Thomas Müller (deepdiver)
Greg Freemyer (gregfreemyer)
Jan-Christoph Borchardt (jancborchardt)
Joseph Reidinger (jreidinger)
Matt Barringer (mbarringer)
Shawn W Dunn (sfaulken)
Marcus Schäfer (shaefi)
Stefano Karaptesas(sfaulken)
Alessandro Cosentino (cosenal)
Categories: Google Summer of Code