Next Tuesday: Social Media Collaboration Day

17. Dec 2010 | Jos Poortvliet | No License

Last Monday the second Marketing Collaboration Day happened - with a focus on Marketing Materials. The moderators, Chuck Payne and Bryen Yunashko, would like to thank everyone who got involved for their hard work! It was a successful day with many items covered, added and expanded for openSUSE Marketing.

Among other things, some how-to’s were updated like how to organize a Launch Party (yes, openSUSE 11.4 is coming!) Moreover two short presentations on SUSE Studio and OBS were created which can be used in presentations from the Ambassadors. Already some Greek ambassadors are using them and they promised to contribute back translated versions. Besides the wiki and the presentations, volunteers took on the task of developing success case stories involving openSUSE, creating models for Letters of Sponsorship requests, and how to collaborate and work with educational institutions.  Obviously a broad range of topics and opportunities to promote openSUSE.

But the team isn’t done yet. Like in the previous Collaboration Day, which focused on our Ambassador Program, several items have been picked up to be finished later. Thanks for that!

There is a renewed energy in our team as we collectively begin to have a broader bird’s-eye view of the state of our marketing resources and build up enthusiasm and motivation amongst our team members.

Meanwhile, next week a new Collaboration Day will happen, this time on Tuesday December 21. This, because one of it’s principle organizers, Manu Gupta, will return from his hard work at on Monday. The other organizer is Jos Poortvliet and the topic of this Collaboration day will be Social Media.

The goal is to work on our press and media channels and our communication on the web. Writing short project descriptions, gathering features for our 11.4 announcement, creating a Prezi presentation about openSUSE, gathering screenshots and creating themes for Identica/twitter/blogger and other outlets are all on the agenda.

And of course the plumbing: making sure all accounts are connected properly so an announcement or news.o.o article goes to all the proper channels automatically, making sure the account details are in the hands of several different people and much more. All in all it promises to be a great Collaboration day, so if you’re interested in Social Media and doing some work, join us and help out!

The meeting will be held in the #openSUSE-Marketing IRC channel on Freenode. Collaboration Days begin at 9:00 UTC and end at 24:00 UTC

See you there!!!

Categories: Events Project


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