#### [Andres Silva: Menu Spectrum: Understanding Start Menus Across Different Platforms](//anditosan.blogspot.com/2010/09/menu-spectrum-understanding-start-menus.html)
"Here is the long awaited review of some of the developments on the launch menu sector. Please take notice that because of the great variety of menus out there, I will make mistakes in their names. They could be called "start menu," "launcher," etc. So please, bear with me through this post. Hopefully putting these menus side by side will help us make sense of what we use in order to launch applications on our operating systems. It is important to understand these menus and the changes they have suffered over time. probably you will find valuable information that will aid us in making a better launcher application for openSUSE."
#### [Pascal Bleser: Packman for SLE 11 SP1](//dev-loki.blogspot.com/2010/09/at-packman-and-with-support-of-dinar.html)
"At Packman, and with the support of Dinar "k0da" Valeev, who provided us with an additional build host for our Build Service instance, we now provide a selected set of "essential" multimedia/codec packages for SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 (SP1)."
#### [OMG!SUSE! team: OMG! SUSE! entrevista Jos Poortvliet!](//feedproxy.google.com/%7Er/omgsuse/%7E3/GWaOuFjp-Ew/omg-suse-entrevista-jos-poortvliet)
"openSUSE Ambassador and all around nice guy, Carlos Ribeiro, translated our "September Geeko Gist" into Brazilian-Portuguese over on softwarelivre.org. While I don't speak the language, Carlos has done a great job helping out with the openSUSE Marketing team as well as the openSUSE Ambassadors program in Brazil, so I'm sure the translation is nearly perfect. If you're fluent, you should check out his translation: OMG! SUSE! entrevista Jos Poortvliet!"
#### [OMG!SUSE! team: Browsing Comfortably on KDE](//feedproxy.google.com/%7Er/omgsuse/%7E3/eoM8mdmsIzU/browsing-comfortably-kde)
"Being a KDE user, I can get annoyed by the fact that a lot of popular apps out there using GTK+ somehow never seem to look right in KDE! Two of the most notable offenders are the popular web browsers (as you all told us last week): Opera and Google Chrome. Let's make them look nice and polished on our already beautiful KDE desktop:"
#### [Thomas Thym: Strategy is mighty!](//ungethym.blogspot.com/2010/09/strategy-is-mighty.html)
"Following the openSUSE strategy discussion I read some reasonable questions and comments like: Why do we invest time into that useless strategy discussion? What is the benefit of a strategy? Strategy is only for companies! This is a follow up to my friend Jos' post about strategy. **I love strategy!** (Strategy was one of my major subjects at university and a research focus of the chair I worked and taught over four years.) So I might be biased. Nevertheless I want to convince you share some of my thoughts."
#### [Michal Marek: Another openSUSE kernel git repo](//lizards.opensuse.org/2010/09/14/another-opensuse-kernel-git-repo/)
"The mirror of the openSUSE kernel-source repository has been around for several months already, now there is something new: A repository that is actually usable :-) . The current kernel-source repository is a series of patches managed in git, which has some upsides, like the ability to easily cherry-pick a patch and port it to a different branch or send it upstream. But it is quite painful if you want to work with the code itself and not with patch files. A task as simple as determining if drivers/…/foo.c in openSUSE-11.3 has or does not have a certain change requires checking out the branch and running the sequence-patch script to be able to look at the file. If you need to know when was the file changed, you have to run ‘quilt patches ’ to find out what patches touched the file and then ask git about the history of these patches. Neither convenient nor efficient. That’s why we have a second repository, that contains the mainline tree with all the suse patches applied. It’s located at [//gitorious.org/opensuse/kernel](//gitorious.org/opensuse/kernel), the clone url is git://gitorious.org/opensuse/kernel.git."
#### [Duncan Mac-Vicar: The future of KDE instant messaging is happening now](//duncan.mac-vicar.com/blog/archives/771#utm_source=feed&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed)
"Almost nine years passed since the first lines of Kopete code started to take form, in a remote country in the south part of the globe. Still today, looking at an old Kopete screenshot has a special meaning for me. I had so much fun. I learned hundred of tricks and certainly it shaped me as a developer. Working with brilliant hackers across the world brought this multicultural curiosity. Both things combined resulted in myself living in a different country, married to a woman from yet another one, and having friend parties where almost everyone was from a different place, and working in a company involved in this great hobby. However the world was different by then. At that point the discussion was whether you ICQed or you sent viruses via MSN. And the most difficult challenge was to get file transfer done right. Nothing of that matters anymore."
#### [Luc Verhaegen: The linux desktop is dead!](//libv.livejournal.com/22502.html)
"Or so it will be, soon, if these guys get their way. Apparently, and this has been the hot new idea for the last year or two; for Xserver 1.10 people want to get rid of one of the greatest things that XFree86 brought us, and one of the better changes that happened after the X.org fork: modular graphics drivers. While the current proposal is simply to undo the modularization work of the mid-naughties (thanks jezza!), it immediately sparked the imagination of others to go even further (to which Alanc answered rather strikingly). But merging drivers back is in itself already a very damaging move."
## openSUSE Forums
#### [KDE4.5.* Repo Becomes available](//forums.opensuse.org/english/news/tech-news/446152-kde-4-5-stable-repo-now-available.html)
"This is much awaited and desired by forum users. It's announcement should bring resounding praise and shouting from the rooftops."
#### [Problem Booting after Kernel Update](//forums.opensuse.org/english/get-help-here/install-boot-login/446005-problems-booting-after-update-opensuse-11-3-a.html)
"Get a fix on some of the problems being experienced after the latest Kernel Update. Not a pretty sight and for some, getting it fixed is no walk in the park."
#### [Mounting Partitions](//forums.opensuse.org/english/get-help-here/install-boot-login/446029-making-native-partition-extension.html)
"I used poetic licence on the title because the OP was somewhat confused. There is some useful info in this thread."
#### [GMplayer not Playing Smoothly](//forums.opensuse.org/english/get-help-here/multimedia/445722-gmplayer-doesnt-play-smoothly-11-3-a.html)
"User experience differing playback results from different media players. If we can just encourage them to follow the media guide."
## On the Web
### Announcements
#### [Adobe Flash Player "Square"](//labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/)
"Adobe® Flash® Player "Square" is a preview release that enables native 64-bit support on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows operating systems, as well as enhanced support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 beta. We have made this preview available so that users can test existing content and new platforms for compatibility and stability. Because this is a preview version of Flash Player, we don’t expect it to be as stable as a final release version of Flash Player. Use caution when installing Flash Player "Square" on production machines. (...)"
### Call for participation
#### [Miguel de Icaza: Unix Stack Exchange: Call for Help](//tirania.org/blog/archive/2010/Sep-14.html)
"Thanks to everyone that helped us get the Unix StackExchange group up and running. The site went into preview in record time, and then we went into Beta. My call for help: I am currently at 1,211 points, on 6th place answering questions on the site. So what I need you guys is to go and ask some interesting questions about Unix, Linux, Gnome in there, and I get to answer them with some awesome background. If you ever had a pressing Unix question, now is the time to ask it on the site, and help me get those points up."
### Reports
#### [linuxjournal/Susan Linton: Scary New Horror Adventure Available for Linux](//www.linuxjournal.com/content/scary-new-horror-adventure-available-linux?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+LinuxJournal-BreakingNews+%28Linux+Journal+-+Breaking+News%29)
"The folks who brought the three-part Penumbra series to the Linux community now bring us another even more terrifying adventure. Amnesia: The Dark Descent follows Daniel as he confronts a sinister dark shadow in his quest to hunt and kill evil Alexander in order to save his own mind and life. Danger hides in every corner. Risk life and limb at every turn, your very sanity in peril with every step into the dark descent."
#### [Linux.com/Joe Brockmeier: Five Features to Look Forward to in Firefox 4.0](//www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/361828-five-features-to-look-forward-to-in-firefox-40)
"Firefox 4.0 is still a bit away from final release, but the time to think about switching is now. The Mozilla Project is releasing Firefox 4.0 beta 6 this week, and the current builds are really good. Why switch? I’ll give you five excellent reasons to jump on the 4.0 train today. One of the great things about open source development is that you don’t have to wait for the final product to ship to get your hands on it. Case in point, I’ve been running development builds of the Firefox 4.0 series off and on for weeks. You can too, if you don’t mind some rapid changes and possible instability."
#### [Phoronix/Michael Larabel: A First Look At The 2010 Linux Graphics Survey Results](//www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=lgs_2010_xds&num=1)
"Earlier this month we started once again our annual Linux Graphics Survey in which we poll our readers about their choices and opinions concerning graphics cards, display drivers, and other graphics / X.Org related features of the Linux desktop. While this survey is still going on through the end of September -- so you [still have time to participate](//www.phoronix.com/vr.php?view=15238) -- here are the results from the first 6,300 people to submit their responses. We are publishing the results so far since there is the X Developers' Summit this week in Toulouse and some of these findings may prove to be useful during those discussions. (...)"
### Reviews and Essays
#### [Network World/Joe Brockmeier: Who's buying Novell? Place your bets](//www.networkworld.com/community/blog/whos-buying-novell-place-your-bets)
"Rumor has it that Novell has tentatively reached a sale agreement that would split the business in two, and sell the Linux half to "a strategic buyer." Assuming the deal goes through, who's the unnamed suitor, and what does it mean for the SUSE Linux business and the openSUSE Project? (...)"
#### [opensource.com/Chris Grams: Are you building a community or a club?](//opensource.com/business/10/9/are-you-building-a-community-or-a-club)
"I've never been much for clubs. When I was young, I made a lousy cub scout. I wasn't a real "joiner" in high school or college either (just enough to get by) and I still don't get actively involved in many professional associations today. But I'm a sucker for a noble mission. I find myself getting drawn into all sorts of things these days. Good causes, interesting projects, even big ideas like the reinvention of management all share my extra attention, brainpower, and resources. (...)"
#### [hostreview/Josh Evin: Why Security Matters to us All](//www.hostreview.com/blog/100913-why-security-matters-to-us-all)
"Most people take the Internet for granted. When it comes to the Internet as we know it – Social Networks, Media Sites, Email, File Repositories, etc. – usability is as far as our concern extends. If it works, that is all we care about. But the truth of the matter is that understanding the complexity of the Internet also helps you to understand why security is so overwhelmingly important, yet often overlooked."
#### [LinuxMagazine/Joe Brockmeier: A quick look at OpenIndiana](//www.linux-mag.com/id/7861/)
"OpenSolaris is dead, but OpenIndiana lives on. Just a few weeks after Oracle made it clear that OpenSolaris was dead as a doornail, the Illumos and OpenIndiana folks have a distribution ready for the OpenSolaris community that’s been left in a lurch by Oracle. The code dropped on Tuesday, so I haven’t had a lot of time to muck with OpenIndiana yet. I spent a few hours with the live CD and installed it into VMware."
### Warning!
#### [US-CERT Current Activity - Adobe Releases Security Advisory for Flash Player](//www.us-cert.gov/current/index.html#adobe_releases_security_advisory_for4)
"Adobe has released a security advisory to alert users of a vulnerability affecting Adobe Flash Player. This vulnerability affects Flash Player and earlier versions for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Solaris, and Adobe Flash Player for Android. Exploitation of this vulnerability may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial-of-service condition."
### LOL
#### [Alexander Naumov: Free BEER for free people](//lizards.opensuse.org/2010/09/17/free-beer-for-free-people/)
"When we call beer “free,” we mean that it respects the users’ essential freedoms: the freedom to drink it, to study and change it, and to return empties with or without some changes. This is a matter of freedom, not price, so think of “free speech,” but in this case also “free beer” too. Why man have to choose a free beer? Because it’s open and free to use. Everybody can give some feedback on the freebeer’s twitter page."
## Feedback / Communicate / Get Involved
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## Credits
* [saigkill](//en.opensuse.org/User:Saigkill) [Talk](//en.opensuse.org/User_talk:Saigkill) - [Contributions](//en.opensuse.org/Special:Contributions/saigkill) Sascha Manns (Editor in Chief)
* [STS301](//en.opensuse.org/index.php?title=User:STS301&action=edit&redlink=1) [Talk](//en.opensuse.org/index.php?title=User_talk:STS301&action=edit&redlink=1) - [Contributions](//en.opensuse.org/Special:Contributions/STS301) Sebastian Schöbinger (Tips/Tricks)
* [HeliosReds](//en.opensuse.org/User:HeliosReds) [Talk](//en.opensuse.org/index.php?title=User_talk:HeliosReds&action=edit&redlink=1) - [Contributions](//en.opensuse.org/Special:Contributions/HeliosReds) Satoru Matsumoto (Editorial Office)
* [Caf4926](//en.opensuse.org/User:Caf4926) [Talk](//en.opensuse.org/index.php?title=User_talk:Caf4926&action=edit&redlink=1) - [Contributions](//en.opensuse.org/Special:Contributions/Caf4926) Carl Fletcher (Main-Newsletter, Forums Sec.)
* [Okuro](//en.opensuse.org/User:Okuro) [Talk](//en.opensuse.org/index.php?title=User_talk:Okuro&action=edit&redlink=1) - [Contributions](//en.opensuse.org/Special:Contributions/Okuro) Thomas Hofstätter (Events & Meetings)
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